One who enjoys Eucharistic Adoration enjoys the fruits of the Mass. Even more so, to give greater glory to God seek out the Traditional Latin Mass. (The TLM without question is more reverent compared to the Novus Ordo Mass.)
"If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy." ~ Saint Jean Vianney
IF not already, please discern on returning to the Traditional Latin Mass. More information can be found here:
The unchangeable Liturgy - The Traditional Latin mass
Christus Rex | @christusrex7865
Marks of the New Mass: Protestantized
Knights of Elias | @knightsofelias
Shia LaBeouf on Latin Mass #catholic #tlm
GabiAfterHours | @gabiafterhours
Now You Know #shorts
Roman Catholic Media | @epikeya
The Unchangeable liturgy - The traditional Latin mass